When planning an event, it’s important you prioritise sourcing high quality audio equipment. Implementing the correct sound systems can be the difference between an ordinary event and one that makes a standout impression on your guests. It’s vital you get the best sound possible to allow your guests to experience the full potential of your event. Read our top tips below to help you plan sound at your next event!
#Make Sure It’s Crystal Clear
We’ve all experienced it before, you’re attending an exclusive event with a fantastic key speaker and a great atmosphere, but it’s ruined by low quality sound! Make sure you avoid this by setting aside money in your budget which allows you to invest in cutting edge sound technology. Stage Connections will work with you to design a bespoke sound package that’s exclusive to the requirements of your event. Our specialist team will take into consideration, staging, event space and entertainment to ensure you have the perfect sound throughout.
#Sound, Stage & Set
Whether you’re event consists of live entertainment, music acts or keynote speakers, you’ll need to be sure your stage is set up correctly and safely. Bringing in a team of live production specialists can help you make key equipment decisions such as what type of audio equipment your entertainment needs to microphone positioning for your award announcements.If you’re ramping up the entertainment at your event to include a light show or other special effects, our experienced team are on hand to guide you with accompanying sound to make sure your guests get the full experience.
# Checks & Rehearsals
To make sure the big event goes off without a hitch, be sure to have a run-through a few days in advance. Leaving time between your rehearsal and the event will ensure you have time to correct any problems that may have arisen. In order to check the sound have your team stand around the event space and check if they can all hear you whilst you’re speaking into the headset or microphone. It’s also recommended to check the levels of sound when it comes to music, you’ll want to ensure your guests can hear it well but not leave your event with a sore head!
#Let the Professionals Help
When it comes to perfecting your event’s sound quality or choosing the correct audio equipment for your stage, you really can’t go wrong with bringing in a team of live production experts. Not only will it ease the pressure of planning it all yourself but you’ll also be sure you’re using the best technology the industry has to offer. Their guidance in the planning phase and their assistance on the day can help you produce an award-winning live event!
Hire Sound, Stage & Lighting Equipment Today
Start working with our team today to develop an innovative and effective sound and lighting package. Our experienced team will make sure you have crystal clear sound quality, the best in audio stage equipment and to be sure it all runs smoothly, they’ll handle the set up too. Get in touch by calling 0115 946 4194, emailing: info@stageconnections.co.uk or filling out our enquiry form, here.